
How to Logoff and Enjoy Life While Running A Business




I went from a 9-to-5 with a side hustle, to the owner of 3 businesses all while having 3 babies and oh yea, running a ranch. I've streamlined the process of running businesses so I can live a life I love every day, not just living for the weekend. I'm also a foodie, lover of beauty products, and an outdoor enthusiast. 





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When you look at the life of someone who runs their own business and they appear to have it all- go on family trips, are always looking the part, have a perfectly clean house, and kids who are always smiling- do you ever wonder how they do it? Let me give you a little boost of confidence, they’re not doing it all. No one is. Making life look seemingly perfect takes a lot of work. And I’ll tell you right now, it’s not real, so please don’t fall for it. Everyone needs to logoff and reset, take time to enjoy the life you’re creating.

Owning a business should be what supports your lifestyle and what matters most to you. The freedom that owning your own business provides is the best part.

Most business owners start off with the hustle culture. When I started my business back in 2008, the hustle mindset for female entrepreneurs was in full swing. Thankfully that was during a time when I didn’t yet have kids and did have a little more spare time.

I’ve learned a few things over the years. I’ve made many changes that I wish I had started much sooner. I’m here to help other business owners run a successful business while living a fulfilled life they love.

Maybe you’re dragging, feel like you’re running but getting nowhere in your business. Maybe deep in side you need a change, but you don’t know what that is.

Maybe you want to change your business, but you don’t know how to change, when to change, or how the bills will get paid while you change. Lawdy.

Maybe you want to start a side hustle, but don’t know where to begin or how to begin and just need a business starter roadmap.

I want to share some of the methods I’ve put in place over the years, and ones I wished I’d started sooner that have allowed me to truly enjoy life as an entrepreneur.

Why do you need to logoff and reset?

The first thing to making a change is figuring out what you’re trying to change and why.

Before you logoff and reset you need to start with exactly where you’re at right now. Assess how you’re feeling emotionally, spiritually and physically. Do you feel energized and motivated when it’s time to work? Do you feel the longing to have more time and energy for other things?

Now lets focus on business. What areas of your business take the most time but seem to bring in the least amount of value? What tasks take the most out of you? Make a list of the things you must do for your business to run. Now lets work on making your business more efficient. What things in your business can you outsource or automate?

Most business owners can’t do this all at once, it’s a process. But just like any problem, identifying it is the first step.

Set boundaries with time blocking.

Two things in one sentence I wish, so much, I’d started sooner- setting boundaries and time blocking. They go hand in hand. As a mom of three and owning three businesses, my time must be used efficiently.

We are in control. We decide who gets access to us and our time.

Start with blocking out all of your time. This may seem laughable, or even daunting. But just like budgeting money, when you really look at where your time is going you can budget it more efficiently. Start with your non-negotiable musts, block out that time, then go from there. Do you have a new exciting project that you never get to work on? Block it off. Do you want to have dinner with your friends? Block it off.

Spend your energy wisely.

As entrepreneurs, we sometimes get used to the feeling of exhaustion. We almost wear it as a badge of honor. But when we dive into what really gives us energy and steals our energy we can improve our overall function.

We all have tasks that are exhausting and we have things that recharge us. If feeding your family is exhausting, figure out ways to make it more efficient. Maybe you can meal prep or meal plan so it’s not a new thing every day. Maybe going on a walk recharges you.

Block out things that bring you more energy so you can recharge, on a daily basis. Work to improve the efficiency of things that drain the energy right out of you. These things will likely change as our lives change. Being aware of our energy levels is crucial and usually drives the need to logoff and reset.

Surround yourself with an environment that brings you peace.

It’s funny how the smallest things can sway how we feel, good or bad. They can bring us energy or drain our energy. They can start our day off right or on the wrong foot. We are fortunate to live in the country up on a big hill with beautiful views. I situate my desk so when I’m working, a panoramic view of rolling hills and butterflies fluttering by is right behind my screen.

I noticed my days are more energetic and at peace when my house is cleaner. I got a new robot vacuum that is scheduled to clean while I’m on my school drop-off. I notice I smile more and look around more while driving down streets with nice homes and landscaping. I set my route to go down those exact streets. Silly as it sounds, it makes a difference in my day.

Let your goals inspire you.

When we know what we want in life, the big goals, it inspires us to do the things it takes to get there. We are so very fortunate to have the freedom to dream and live out those dreams. If you had more free time, what would you do? If you had more money, how would you allocate it? What does a refreshed, energized you look like? Picture that, and go get it.

Don’t let all of the small, unimportant things life can throw at us fill your schedule. Set boundaries unapologetically, and stand firm.

Change your mindset to one that allows you to visualize your dream life and the things you need to do to get there. We all need to logoff and reset. I hope these tips help you find a way. I’m on a mission to help business owners run a successful business while living the life they have always dreamed of.

Rest and reset as a business owner

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I'm an online marketing nerd, obsessed with helping other entrepreneurs create strong brands with seamless processes to live their best life.

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Blayr Gourley

I'm a business strategist, digital marketer, web designer, photographer and educator. I dream big and am as  curious as they come. 

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